Full Name: Will Russell
Contact: +213 33433
E-mail: youremail@gmail.com
Fun Fact: I love coffee!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sodales sapien nec faucibus egestas. In porta mattis tristique. Phasellus aliquam euismod mauris. Proin aliquam ligula eu erat ornare, quis aliquam ante egestas. Vestibulum congue, dui eu rutrum dictum, diam turpis suscipit libero, sit amet euismod risus libero vel ligula. Vivamus efficitur at arcu vel eleifend.
Pre Fellowship Fellow
MLH Fellowship
Summer 2021
BSc Computer Science
University of Birmingham
2018 - 2021
Pre Fellowship Fellow
MLH Fellowship
Summer 2021
Tom Goodman
Will's passion and drive to do awesome stuff is truly unbounded. When he started working on HackTheMidlands, he really hit the ground running, and coordinated an incredible outreach scheme, as well as profoundly contributing to the organisation of the event as a whole.
His variety of skills - both technical and interpersonal - have allowed him to flourish over the past few years, and I'd highly recommend working with him to anyone!